Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Wow!! so my long awaiting books have arrived. I guess it's now time to continue the Journey through CFAdom. I will start with Ethics and continue throughout. I will take the same approach for level one but this time even learn more. Anyway good luck to all the fellas taking the CFA exams in JUNE 2008. Hope we are get to Level 3. Peace!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hi Folks,

This is something that I have been analyzing for a while. WHY IS IT REALLY HARD FOR GRADUATE TO GET JOBS IN THE UK, ESPECIALLY BLACK GRADUATE. I am a British citizen and I have been living in London as well as the USA. I recently went back to the USA for couple of months after coming back to London 4 years ago and whiles I was there, I witness something really shocking about America. That is, Americans really do value higher education (i.e University Degree) compared to the other parts of the Western world especially Europeans. Whiles I was in America, I witness that in America if you work hard you will be rewarded for your effort even though most European paint America to be a racist Country. Now whiles I was in the states, I saw how young people in their early twenties straight out of college were doing their field work (i.e What they actually majored in at college). And the most amazing thing about this is that, it wasn't only white Americans who were given these opportunities. African American, and Hispanics were also in the league. America see things beyond just color unlike the British or other European countries. In fact, during my stay in the States I had a whole new perspective about America. America goes beyond just Color. America will give you your short if you really deserve it. For example my cousin works in JP Morgan as a Financial Analyst in New York and whiles I was there I couldn't believe the number of African Americans who work on that floor. Now I try to compare that to JP Morgan, London and I can bet you $10,000 it wouldn't take you more than 3 minutes to count the number of Blacks or Asians on that floor.

In my case I have a BA(Hons) Accounting and Finance , CFA level 2 candidate and ACCA (4 papers more to complete) and I still find it very different to find a job in the UK economy. I use to work with this white guy who is a music major at the bank of New York Mellon in London. Now everybody will agree with me that if this dude were to be black or Asian he will not even be invited to an interview but if you are white and live in UK you can major in anything and still go into the kind of field you want. And even if you are Asian or Black and you get a job, they will put you in a position were you are likely to remain in that position for the rest of your life. Now when I was in New York I saw the magnitude that the CFA designation have on Wallstreet. How advantageous is it to even tell your potential employer that you are taking tuition class for the CFA exams and even going to the extreme to passing some levels . But even with all my high qualification and experience I still can't get a job as a Security Analyst even though I have experience doing this in the past with BGI and The Bank of New York Mellon. Plus I have friends who are qualified ACCA and still can't get job in their chosen fields and end up doing some data inputs for some small firms.But I still have friends in the USA who came straight out of college and work for JP Morgan, PWC, E&Young, Merrill Lynch etc. None of my friends in the states who work for these firm have a professional qualifications such as the CFA,CPA or ACCA and do not plan to take any qualification to supplement their Undergraduate degrees. Getting into JPMorgan or Merrill Lynch in the UK is like a heaven gate. You will go through about 6 interviews before a decision will be made. Plus Goldman Sachs Europe is even the craziest among all the employers. You will go through about 10 interview and still won't get the job.

So my question is, why is it really difficult for graduates, especially Black graduate to get jobs and work in their chosen field? In my opinion America is the best place to live in terms of opportunities as Americans see beyond just color and will give you the opportunity for you to prove yourself. If you live in America you unlikely to see how great America is, until you move out of America and come to Europe. In my opinion Europeans are very ignorant and all they see is Color. All opinions are welcome.!

